

”Get Out of Your Own Way--The Five Keys to Surpassing Everyone's Expectations” 這是英文書名。

Five Keys:
1. DIRECTION not Motion
What counts more is how effectively you're moving in a productive direction.
Look well into the future
Dare to achieve what everyone else thinks is impossible.
break the conventional rules
the importance of having fun as often as you need

2. FOCUS not Time
It's better to pay attention to what matters.
The human brain loves fussing over unimportant details.
Left unchecked, the natural tendency of your brain is to keep you unchanged.
To see what could lie in the future rather than endlessly defending what happened in the past.
Emphasize the right moment, not the clock
Making the most out of each and every moment rather than letting events unfold on their own momentum.
Grade yourself on how effective you are at differentiating between what matters most and what dose not.
It's all too easy for the voluminous thoughts of the mind to cloud what really matters. To cut through all this mental clutter and confusion, work hard at being clear and concise about what needs to be done.
Cut to the chase.
Be very blunt.

Goethe"The things that matter the most should never be at the mercy of things that matter least."
William James"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

3. CAPACITY not Conformity

Always override your first impulses by reminding yourself what your long-term goals are. Let these goals color and infuence your everyday actions.
Look at any adversities that come into yor life as a challenge and a tool to learn more.
Live transparently. Honor your promises, take responsibility for your actions and be accountable for your choices.
Be willing to admit it when you don't know things, but commit to discovering an answer.

4. ENERGY not Effort
Trying to work harder instead of smarter is tiring and depressing.
Learn how to excel under pressure.
You listen to your own heart, follow your own intuition and dare to do at least a few things exceptionally well.

5. IMPACT not Intentions

Here and now
Lear how to make change stick
It's very easy to get so caught up in the mechanics of earning a living.
"Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you."